
Continuing education

Undergraduate programmes

Gain an Oxford qualification with an undergraduate award course. Online study options available for some courses.

Graduate programmes

Our flexible programmes are a great way to further your study, progress in your career or learn for personal enrichment.

Study online with Oxford

Study with Oxford from anywhere in the world. Courses include weekly classes, flexible short courses, day events and Oxford qualifications.?

Professional development

Working with academic experts across the University to design and deliver world-class training for professionals.

Short courses

Explore a new topic or revisit a favourite subject over the course of a few days, a few weeks or a term. Join us in Oxford or?online.?

Summer schools

Accredited and non-accredited summer courses for adult learners. Held at Rewley House and Oxford's historic colleges.


Low-residency courses allow you to study whilst continuing with day-to-day life, visiting Oxford for short residential stays.


We have an active interdisciplinary research community, with a strong focus on the humanities and social sciences.

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We offer more than 1000 part-time courses each year to adult learners in Oxford and online.